September 2023
Augusti 2023
24 Augusti 2023 - 07:20
Windows 10 update changed my autodesk inventor 2015 hole window
View manipulation does not work as expected with 3D device if Rotation is disabled.
Inventor 2015 freezes on startup: The message "AutoCAD Component has Stopped Working" displays.
Non-localized strings display within the context menu of the Home page.
A project cannot be changed using the dropdown menu in My Home when an opened document is closed using undo.
The last opened file might not be listed in the Recently Used tab after resetting the ribbon.
Non-English Inventor unexpectedly exits when you type the letter 'a' in Communication Center.
Inventor performance is poor if you run Inventor on dual monitors or under customer DPI setting.
The browser does not automatically reposition when one monitor is missing.
Unable to export files to CAD format in particular machines.
Inventor hangs when saving a file after you expand and collapse the browser.
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